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Wigton Moor

Primary School

Everyone learns and everyone achieves because everyone matters!



Everyone learns, everyone achieves and everyone matters.  Our high-quality computing education is intended to equip all pupils with a deep understanding and the skills and knowledge to begin to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world!  Our computing curriculum has natural deep links with Mathematics in terms of systematic thinking and logical processes but there are many other links across the curriculum.  This can be in computer aided design in Design and Technology, research in History, data collection in Geography and Science or digital presentation to aid Speaking and Listening.  We want pupils at Wigton Moor to see the value in having excellent computing knowledge and skills.  We want pupils to recognise the links between what we teach and application in the real world and the endless possibilities computing can offer.


Wigton Moor teaches the national curriculum which can be seen in the documents below.  To support our teaching we use many of the units from the Rising Stars scheme of work but adapt them for the needs of our pupils as well as creating some of our own bespoke units.  We take a no ceiling approach to differentiation and through open ended tasks pupils with SEND and the most able can achieve well.  Our curriculum puts the core of computing, computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming, at the fore. 

All pupils (including those in Reception - by the Summer Term) visit our computer suite a least once a week and have access to ipads to support their learning throughout the year.  Vocabulary is always a focus and from Reception, pupils begin to use programmable toys such as Bee Bots.  As early as Year 2, pupils are beginning to use basic code in programmes such as Scratch.  By the end of the primary phase, Year 6 pupils use MITs App Inventor to create their own applications from the beginning of the process to the end.

Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate, able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology, at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.  Year 5, for example, teach children to touch type through on-line courses.


We see the impact of our curriculum in the outcomes of every lesson.  We know children learn more and remember more as they progress through school as the curriculum revisits key knowledge and skills.  This can be through their basic mouse and key board skills to more specific areas such as their knowledge of algorithms within programmes.  Our use of assessment for learning lets us adapt lessons and units to the needs of each new cohort and our assessment quadrants help us to gauge understanding of more specific knowledge as pupils move through school.  The year long project pupils complete in Year 6 really helps us to evaluate the strength of our curriculum as pupils must apply such a wide range of skills and knowledge.  Our evaluations developments are always on-going!

Computing Strands

Strands run through the computing curriculum that are re-visited throughout a pupils time at Wigton Moor.  These strands form 'Golden Threads' and are weaved in specifically to tie the curriculum together.   Importantly, while Computing is taught as stand alone subject, it is important to remember that skills are not developed in isolation.  Mathematics and Science have obvious links to Computing but so does Art and Design and Music.  Click below to find out more:

Computing Curriculum Maps

Computing Legends

During Internet Safety Day, pupils also learn about a 'Computing Legend'.  These pioneers in Computing have been chosen to deepen pupils understanding within the subject.  The names form part of an important area of cultural capital and seek to show pupils that 'Legends' all started somewhere.  They all had favourite subjects at school and none of them could have predicted that their work would have the impact on the world today that it has.  Perhaps one of our students will become a Computing Legend in the future...

DB Primary and Espresso

All pupils at Wigton Moor have access to DB primary and through the site they have access to Espresso.  DB primary is a school learning platform.  Much like facebook, pupils create an online profile and can communicate with their peers. Teachers can create groups and learning pages, pupils can e-mail, respond to forums and blog.  Unlike facebook the users are limited to communication within Wigton Moor only.  The platform allows pupils to experience all the features of the on-line world within safe parameters. DB primary also has many learning resources as well as a link to Espresso.  Espresso is a fantastic learning tool run by Discovery Education.  It is an library of digital resources that meet many aspect of the national curriculum.


The school continues to invest in high quality, up to date ICT resources throughout school.  All classrooms are fitted with interactive touch screen TVs, we have 32 PCs in the IT suite and 64 Ipads shared across school.  Pupils come to Wigton Moor already tablet and touch screen literate but often lack the skills required to use a desktop PC.  Starting with early mouse control and key board skills, through a basic skills teaching unit in Year 1,  right through to programming and developing their own app, pupils receive a great computing education here.


Pupils at Wigton Moor are acutely aware of the dangers presented by the on-line world and are regularly taught how to keep themselves safe.  We do not have a 'locked down' system in school instead we manage resources carefully in order for children to learn when incidents do occur.


To find out more about e-safety please visit the RU Net Safe page of this website.
