**Production Club is cancelled this week**
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Wigton Moor

Primary School

Everyone learns and everyone achieves because everyone matters!

See us Learning in December 2022

Year 5 loved learning about pen and ink illustration and drawing a portrait of their partner with different pens.

5B Singing Le Pere Noel

Still image for this video

5B Singing L' etoile de Noel

Still image for this video

3H have been learning a French Christmas poem

Still image for this video

Raffle winners for the attendance lunch with Mrs Bown

Year 4 tasted and evaluated flatbread and hummus as part of our DT and History topics.

4B made switches and then tested them in a circuit to see how they worked.

Year 5 have spent the day learning the Anglo-Saxon craft of weaving. They learnt about different weaving techniques and used different materials to create colourful woven patterns in preparation to make their own woven basket.

Year 3 had a very busy morning making sandwiches! We used our Science, PSHE and D.T knowledge to design, make then eat our healthy sandwiches.

3H had a great time exploring teeth with our visiting dentist.

2R have been making moving Christmas cards in DT! (Cross-curricular with Art)

2R began learning about division by sharing into groups!

3SL had a very interesting session learning more about teeth from our visiting dentist.
