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Wigton Moor

Primary School

Everyone learns and everyone achieves because everyone matters!

See us Learning February 2024

Year 2 had a wonderful time visiting the Mosque, where we got to learn about prayer, artifacts and Wudu (ritual cleansing before prayer)! The trip allowed for our children who aren't Muslim to learn about the faith and build tolerance for those with different beliefs.

A Limerick from Year 2!

Still image for this video

Year 2 have had a blast writing Limericks, inspired by Edward Lear, in English.

Year 1 investigating waterproof materials in science

3SL using magnets to make compasses

Year 2 have been working hard in PE to make a sequence including a balance, a jump and a roll!

Year 2 have been working hard in Computing making their Sprites dance on Scratch using an algorithm!

4J had lots of fun learning about the importance of the Roman army in the expansion of the Roman Empire to Britain - we designed and made our own Roman shields and even had a go at creating the Testudo or ‘Tortoise’ formation!

4B had lots of fun learning about the importance of the Roman army in the expansion of the Roman Empire to Britain - we designed and made our own Roman shields!

Year 4 are currently reading 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes - in our English lesson today we created emotion graphs to represent the changing feelings of our main character throughout the story

Green Council took part in the annual RSPB Big Schools' Birdwatch. Magpies came top of the list this year.

3SL Science. Which magnet is the strongest?

3SL Athens Vs Sparta. Which city state would YOU choose?
