Across school we like to think about behaviour under, what we call, the 4Cs. The 4Cs are four words, all starting with C, that help our children to think about their behaviour:
Since its launch, we feel that the power behind this simple message has improved behaviour across school. We read stories in which characters demonstrate a lack of courtesy, care, common sense or co-operation and think about the impact. We encourage pupils to hold doors for each other, say please and thank you in the dinning hall and welcome visitors with exemplary manners. We discuss incidents where pupils have lacked common sense. For example, in a busy playground, when children are excited, accidents can easily happen. We always discuss the importance of caring for people and the environment around us. Much of our PHSE work goes hand-in-hand with the 4Cs principles.
The school produced posters to represent the 4Cs and the winning design, created by Alina in Year 6, is below: