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Wigton Moor

Primary School

Everyone learns and everyone achieves because everyone matters!


Equality Objectives Statement

Reviewed February 2023


Wigton Moor Primary School is committed to ensuring equality of provision throughout our school community. To achieve this, our equality objectives are as follows:


* To monitor the attendance of pupil premium pupils (1 year)

* To develop pupil voice and oracy around equality (2 years)

* To raise awareness of British values and protected characteristics across the school community (4 years)

* To promote the inclusion and cultural diversity of the staff body (4 years)


We will monitor these objectives through:

* monitoring pupil premium attendance data, reaching out to those who may need further support to improve attendance

* including equality in the whole school drive towards greater confidence in oracy

* ensuring the staff and pupils are aware of both British values and the protected characteristics through teaching, training and embedding them across school

* to consider the staffing body and the roles within it, both when recruiting and with existing staff


We are required to demonstrate how we meet the aims of the general public sector equality duty; Equality is a golden thread that is interwoven through all that we do at Wigton Moor Primary School and can be evidenced across across our curriculum, our approach to cultural awareness and inclusion as well as in staff recruitment. As an example the steps being taken to promote equality are included in the following policy documents which can be found on the Policy Page - please note that this list is not exhaustive and you will see evidence of equality across all aspects of our school life, as well as this website:


  • Accessibility Plan
  • Accessibility Plan Action Plan
  • Anti-Bullying
  • Behaviour
  • Care and Control
  • Equality
  • Inclusion
  • PSHE
  • SEND
  • Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions


Please view the information on the curriculum page which shows the expectations from learners to be inclusive including having a Pupil Voice and Equality Council.


Please also view our Gallery page which shows the variety in learning and the diverse population of the school.

Protected Characteristics

We will not discriminate against, harass or vicitimise any pupil, prospective pupil, member of staff or other member of the school community because of their:

  • Sex
  • Age
  • Race
  • Disability
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender reassignment
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Marriage and civil partnership


Our school is committed to not only eliminating discrimination but also increasing understanding and appreciation for diversity.  Please see the PSHE page for further information about our coverage of the protected characteristics.


We want a work force which reflects the population of Leeds.  We will guarantee that no redundancy is the result of direct or indirect prejudice.  All disciplinary procedures are non-prejudicial, whether they result in warnings, dismissal or other disciplinary action.  We have also adopted the HR policies agreed by Leeds City Council including:

  • Equality Policy
  • Grievance and Bullying and Harassment Policy
  • Schools Work and Families Policy


Prejudice is not tolerated and we are continuously working to promote an accepting and respectful environment for our school community.

The School Equality Council statement of principles


The Equality Council gathered ideas and suggestions from all KS2 classes and chose their favourite statements to form this Equality Council Mission Statement below:


At Wigton Moor:-

  • Treat each other how you want to be treated
  • We respect everyone
  • Everyone is special in their own way
  • We listen to everyone’s ideas.
  • It doesn’t matter which religion or belief we should all be treated equally.
  • Alone we are one piece, together we are a jigsaw; let’s make sure we don’t snap