The Leadership and Management team consists of the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Assistant Head Teacher, School Business Manager with three senior teachers with teaching and learning responsibilities (TLRs). The team are responsible for the strategic direction and development of the school.TEACHERS
We have teachers working in our fourteen classes with two classes in each year group. Our teachers are all fully qualified and work very collaboratively in their year group teams. We have a great mix of staff from very experienced teachers to newly qualified. Together we make an outstanding teaching team.
We have four Higher Level Teaching Assistants who undertake all classroom cover including PPA throughout school and interventions, a Learning Mentor and Teaching Assistants.
The support staff team play a key role in ensuring every child reaches their potential. They carry out a range of roles including supporting teachers, 1-1 support, group intervention work, classroom management, playground supervision and displays.
The facilities team consists of a School Business Manager, three Administrators, an IT Technician, a Site Superintendent and a Groundsman. The school office is open between 8.30am and 4.00pm.
The school has Lunchtime Staff who support the pupils to enjoy their lunchtimes. They supervise in the halls and during lunchtime play.