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Wigton Moor

Primary School

Everyone learns and everyone achieves because everyone matters!


Post SATs Homework Project

Congratulations to Year 6 - SATs is finished!!

Throughout the rest of the year we have set the project based homework for you to complete.  The emphasis is on you to demonstrate the skills and motivation you have learnt at Wigton Moor Primary School. Try you best, be creative and show us who you are!

All the information needed is in the booklet.  All pupils were given a copy in school.  In case of lost booklets a PDF and original publisher version are below:


Set: 17/05/24

Due: 03/07/24



Pupils will normally be set one or two tasks on MyMaths every week.  All pupils have a copy of their User ID and Password in the front of their reading records.  They will first need to log in with the school User ID and Password.  See below:

School Log In

Username: wigton

Password: Circle275

Pupils can then use the 'My Portal' log in to access their account.


Please remember, there is no limit for the activities that pupils can access and they also have access to a range of maths games to enjoy!



Each week we will normally set a word list to practise on 'Spelling Shed'.  Pupils must complete at least one activity to show they have completed their homework, however, pupils are free to explore the platform, practise any word list and play games.  The more they play, the higher up the leader board they go.



Below, normally, is a copy of this week's reading comprehension task.  Pupils can complete the work on the sheet.
