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Wigton Moor

Primary School

Everyone learns and everyone achieves because everyone matters!

See us Learning January 2024

3H Science- testing the strength of magnets

3H Exploring division with concrete materials

3H Using their pattern seeking skills in Science to explore magnetic materials

Year 2 had a wonderful time exploring pulse and rhythm with Mrs Cossavella. We practised tapping to the pulse and creating different rhythms (long and short sounds)!

For their second Science lesson of the year, Year 2 took to the playground to investigate outside objects and the materials that made them. We discussed suitability of materials for their use and had lots of fun!

Year 2 identified and sorted materials during their first lesson of the topic. This extends their understanding of materials from Year 1. They used brilliant vocabulary to describe the materials, such as 'hard', 'soft', 'absorbent' and 'flexible'.
