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Wigton Moor

Primary School

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Gardening Club 2024

Gardening Club - 12th July 2024. We checked our squash plants and found that only four out of twelve plants had survived the slug army, and the survivors were not looking healthy. We reviewed the growing season so far - cool, wet weather with a lack of warmth and sunlight. We watched a couple of videos which showed that other gardeners are struggling to grow this year too. Then we visited the allotment and found that some of us had something to harvest! Radish seed pods, lettuce leaves, some broad beans, carrots and raspberries. Unfortunately the Gardening Club camera stopped working so not many photos. Another thing to blame on the slugs!

Gardening Club - 28th June 2024. After checking the squash plants had survived, we headed down to the allotment to make nutritious weed soup (for plants!) out of all the horsetail.

Gardening Club - 21st June 2024. Due to the mild winter and the wet spring, we went on a hunt to try and reduce some of the slug and snail population in the quad. After identifying them, we trapped them in a special "mollusc hotel" before releasing them into the woods. After this we could safely plant out our squash plants!

Gardening Club - 14th June 2024. We took our beans down to the allotment and planted them out. Then we hung up CDs to scare off the hungry woodpigeons! Maybe they will also work on the slugs??

Gardening Club - 7th June 2024. We planted bean seeds in pots in the quad on 3rd May. This week we have been busy making frames for them to climb up! We will be planting them out at the allotment soon. Where are all our salads and carrots though?

Gardening Club - 17th May 2024. After sowing some sweetcorn in the quad, we went to check on the allotment. Lots of slug damage and not much growing due to the cool damp weather. However the fig tree is looking good!

Gardening Club - 10th May 2024. We planted a "mystery squash" seed each in the quad - Boston winter squash, Hokkaido winter squash, golden courgette or mini cucumber. After that we went down to the allotment to do some weeding and watering.

Gardening Club - 26th April 2024. We sowed flower seeds - nasturtiums, cerinthe, cosmos and "mystery seeds" that Mrs Lee had forgotten to label last year!

Gardening Club - 19th April 2024. After some weeding in the quad, we planted out our radishes and peas at the allotment. It has been very wet and the slugs have been on the rampage!

Friday 22nd March 2024 - a lovely Spring day. We have sown "mystery salad" seeds today - a mixture of lettuces, mustard greens and rocket. We have also made some supportive structures for our pea plants. Then we checked the pond - we have frog spawn!

It's Spring and that means Gardening Club is back for the 2024 growing season! This week (15th March) we went to the allotment for the first time this year and sowed carrot seeds.
