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Wigton Moor

Primary School

Everyone learns and everyone achieves because everyone matters!

Illnesses including COVID-19

Pupil Illnesses




Following a positive test result your child must not attend school for three days after the date of the test. 

Click here for NHS advice on getting tested for COVID-19


Respiratory Illness Symptoms 

Pupils unwell with high temperatures should not attend school. 

Pupils with mild symptoms such as  runny nose, sore throat or a slight cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend school. 

Medical Conditions and Illnesses


If your child will not be attending school, please inform the office by phone on 0113 2682341 by 9.30am on the morning of their absence. You can also report absences by visiting the school office, by email on schooloffice@wigtonmoor.leeds.sch or via the School Gateway app. If no contact is made to the school our attendance team will contact you by phone or will make a home visit to establish a reason for the absence. 


School are able to administer prescribed antibiotics that need to be taken 4 times a day. Medicines that have been prescribed three times daily will not be administered in school.  Medicines must be in their original container and and have a prescription label attached. Parents must complete the "Administering Medication" form before any medicines can be administered.


To avoid illnesses spreading throughout the school we ask that parents do not send their child to school until 48 hours after their last bout of diarrhoea or a vomiting. 


Please see the document below regarding isolation periods for other illnesses.  
