Wigton Moor Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all children and expects our staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
The school aims to ensure that all staff follow the DfE’s statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education including ensuring:
Key contacts for Child Protection - Designated Safeguarding Officers
Gillian Dudley - Deputy Head, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Teacher for CLA and SENCo
Elaine Bown - Headteacher
Caroline Lee - Learning Mentor - please also see the Wellbeing Support page for more information
Please note: the dedicated and confidential NSPCC helpline –
Report Abuse in Education can be reached on 0800 136 663 or by email at help@nspcc.org.uk
Self-Evaluation and Review
Wigton Moor Primary School takes its commitment to safeguarding and child protection very seriously. We conduct regular self-evaluation and audits of our policies, practice and procedures. Governors hold school leaders to account for ensuring that planned actions are completed within the timeframes indicated.
Staff Training
Safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff at Wigton Moor Primary School and all staff undergo regular training in Safeguarding, including (but not limited to): Child Protection, Safer Recruitment, First Aid and Prevent (the name given to the training which aims to prevent young children becoming radicalised). Staff are also set a weekly quiz during staff briefings to check their knowledge and understanding of responsibilities is up to date.
In the year 2022-2023 ALL staff will complete the following safeguarding training modules:
Preventing Radicalisation
Prevent Strategy Information for Parents explains our responsibilities in protecting children from extremist and violent views. It also supports us in promoting and teaching important values such as tolerance, respect and the celebration of diversity.
Prevent Duty Information is also included in the Safeguarding Policy.
We work hard to ensure that any instances of bullying are dealt with quickly and followed up over time. We care about all the children at our school and work closely with children and families to give every child the best experience.
For more information see our Behaviour Policy - Behaviour Policy
Our safeguarding governor is Linda Feldman.
She can be contacted on the following email: linda.feldman@wigtonmoor.leeds.sch.uk