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Wigton Moor

Primary School

Everyone learns and everyone achieves because everyone matters!

See us Learning April 2024

3H used maps to compare Yorkshire and Normandy

Year 3 enjoyed using the pentatonic scale to compose music

3SL gave been looking at different maps of Yorkshire and Normandy in Geography and using digimaps to locate Wigton Moor.

In Design & Technology, Year 6 have been felting and using the blanket stitch to attach their Hockney-inspired felt panel to the canvas. They will then use their fantastic sewing skills to make a tote bag!

Year 1 had a very interesting afternoon with Mr Lee learning about 3D printers and how he uses them as a scientist.

Wigton Moor Football Team

Bike Repair Workshop

Art in 4J - In our art lessons we have been learning all about mosaic art. We have looked at mosaics throughout history with specific focus on Roman styles to link up with our history topic. The children created their own designs for a Roman mosaic and today we had a lovely afternoon making our designs using stone tesserae!

Year 1 had a fascinating afternoon taking part in experiments with Dr. Bayana and learning all about her job as a chemist.
