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Wigton Moor

Primary School

Everyone learns and everyone achieves because everyone matters!

See us Learning May 2024

Year 6 have worked really hard in Design & Technology to design a tote bag, make a felted panel based on David Hockney's paintings of Yorkshire and then used two different sewing stitches - a back stitch and a blanket stitch - to make a fantastic bag!

3H Exploring skills and attributes for work in PSHE

Wigton Moor Football Team

In French, Year 3 have been learning what foods are healthy and unhealthy.

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3SL - PSHE - Budgeting

Using transparent, translucent and opaque materials

The Pipe Family’s gift of Giving!

3H Using a compass to map the playground

Year 6 - Last SATS breakfast


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Year 2 have been learning about movement in PE, which is part of our Gymnastics curriculum. They have been balancing on equipment, including making a bridge shape and holding it for 3 seconds.

3H Food tasting Yorkshire vs Normandy

Yorkshire Vs Normandy-The taste test! Some of our foods were more popular than others...

Exploring reflective surfaces in science with 3SL

Walk once to school week assembly

Year 2 have designed moon buggies for Design and Technology! We have just started making them this week, pictures to follow..!

In History, Year 2 are learning about Great Explorers. Last week, we learned about Ibn Battuta. We made freeze frames of moments in his life - can you tell what's happening in each?
