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Wigton Moor

Primary School

Everyone learns and everyone achieves because everyone matters!



At Wigton Moor, everyone learns, everyone achieves and everyone matters. This is seen in our Geography curriculum in a variety of ways.  Our Geography curriculum aims to give all children a sense of place – both where they live and in the wider world and expand their geographical vocabulary. They develop a deep understanding about what our local area has to offer and compare and contrast that to places in the rest of the UK, Europe and beyond. We aim to inspire curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Our geography curriculum reflects the diversity of our school, ensuring our children learn about a variety of places, people, resources and natural and human environments. They also develop a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments.

Wherever possible, our geography curriculum is enhanced by trips and visitors, as these bring the curriculum alive to our children and create lifelong memorable experiences. We are also committed to outdoor learning opportunities and making links across the curriculum whenever we can. Fieldwork is a vital part of our geography offer and we place a lot of emphasis on this.

All pupils will be encouraged to ask questions, think critically and develop their own sense of perspective of the world. By deepening our children’s knowledge of geography, we will help them to understand how the world has grown and changed over time, the diversity of people’s lives and the possibility for us to live sustainability for the future.



Wigton Moor teaches the national curriculum, this starts with EYFS early learning goals and progresses through Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (which can be found in the documents below). We take a no ceiling approach to differentiation and through open ended tasks pupils with SEND and the most able can achieve well. In ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in geography, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Geography is taught as part of a half-termly topic, focusing on knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum. At Wigton Moor, we ensure that geography has the same importance given to it as the core subjects, as we feel this is important in enabling all children to gain ‘real-life’ experiences. Progression is planned for across KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2. Geography focussed key questions and a geography vocabulary list can be found on the Long Term Plan (found below). At the end of each half term, geography knowledge is assessed in the form of 'Geography quadrants'’. Staff use the Geography long term planning documents to plan medium-term plans which indicate learning objectives, vocabulary and linked activities that build knowledge and skills for the planned geography theme. Within the planning, trips and fieldwork are carefully planned and included within the planning documents. Medium-term planning allows for differentiation to be planned for in more detail or for any Assessment for Learning that will take place.



Learning will have covered  the four main aspects of Geography, again, identified in the National Curriculum statements for each key stage (locational knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography, geographical skills and fieldwork. The impact of our Geography curriculum is measured in a variety of ways: questioning during lesson time, marking children’s written work, listening to child-led discussion, interviewing pupils across the school about their learning, book scrutiny, using images/videos of children’s practical learning and assessment quadrants at the end of each topic. We know children learn more and remember more as they progress through school as the curriculum revisits key knowledge and skills. Our assessment for learning allows us to be adaptable when preparing units of work for the needs of the current and future cohorts our assessment quadrants allows us to a greater understanding of children's specific knowledge as they move through the year and through school. 


Key Documents

Website links

BBC Bitesize Geography

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 appropriate website for Geography curriculum coverage.

Espresso provide Geography videos and activities - pupils can log in here.

 Digimap for Schools is an online mapping service Wigton Moor subscribes to.   It is used to provide easy access to a range of current and historical                                                                                                                             Ordnance  Survey maps and aerial photography.                                                                                                                                                           Logins can be provided to pupils if needed.

The Geographical Association (GA) is the leading subject association for teachers of Geography.

This award winning resources supports teaching and learning in Geography across the school.


 Log ins can be provided to pupils if needed.

 Fun Geography games and quizzes for children!



A useful, child friendly website to help children with:

- Understanding scale

- Testing grid reference skills

- Understanding map symbols

- Compass and direction


A guess the country game. Link here

Year 3 map work!

Year 2 making globes, labelling the continents and oceans!

Year 4 residential map work

Year 3 map work

Year 5 trip to Shadwell looking a t a settlement in the local area.

Year 5 map reading in preparation for their trip to Shadwell

Year 4's Geography topic - Alwoodley through the decades.

Geography displays around school

Year 1 display about the seasons and some of the different places they study from around the world!

More Year 1 displays on the seasons.

Year 1 display on a contrasting country - Kenya!

Year 2 display about mapping skills.

A Year 2 display on our world, focusing on the United Kingdom.

A year 6 display about the 'Angry Earth'

A year 6 display on World Climates!

Displays in the corridors for all to see!

A KS2 display about our Green Council and the work they do for protecting the local environment!
